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Category: Tax

18 May by Coffey & Co

A Guide to Entrepreneur Relief in Ireland: Maximising Tax Breaks

Entrepreneur Relief in Ireland offers business owners a significant opportunity to save on taxes when selling their business assets. This relief allows individuals to benefit from a reduced Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rate of 10% on qualifying business assets up to a lifetime limit of €1 million. This can be a game changer for entrepreneurs […]

6 Mar by Coffey & Co.

Navigating the Tax Changes in Ireland for SMEs: A 2024 Guide

The landscape of taxation in Ireland is constantly evolving, and for SMEs, staying ahead of these changes is crucial. As we step into 2024, a range of legislative amendments is set to redefine the fiscal responsibilities of small and medium enterprises. This guide delves deep into these changes, offering actionable advice for compliance and optimization. […]

11 Dec by Coffey & Co.

Navigating the Irish Tax Maze: A Friendly Guide from Coffey&Co

As seasoned accountants with years of experience in helping SMEs navigate the intricate Irish tax system, we at Coffey&Co understand how overwhelming it can be for business owners to decipher the complex rules and regulations. Fear not, for we’re here to demystify the Irish tax landscape and empower you to make informed financial decisions for […]

25 Oct by Coffey & Co.

Tax Planning Strategies for SMEs: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ireland, effective tax planning is more than just a financial strategy – it’s a critical component of business success. Proper tax planning can help SMEs reduce their tax liability, free up capital for growth, and ensure compliance with Irish tax laws. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore […]

16 Aug by Coffey & Co.

Tax Tips for SME’s in Ireland: Maximizing Deductions

Introduction: When it comes to taxes, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ireland have the opportunity to optimize their deductions and minimize their tax liability. By understanding the available deductions and implementing smart tax strategies, SMEs can keep more of their hard-earned money and reinvest it into their business. In this blog post, we’ll explore […]

12 May by Coffey & Co

Maximise Your Savings: A Guide to e-Worker Tax Relief in Ireland

According to Statista, Ireland has one of the highest work-from-home rates in Europe alongside Luxembourg and Finland. Some of the industries where hybrid working is common include ICT, finance, and administrative services. The Irish government plans to increase this further. However, this comes with additional expenses such as increased electricity costs to the employee. With […]

12 Mar by Coffey & Co

How Businesses can Benefit from Effective Tax Planning

When you have a business, it can be hard to keep up with everything you need to do every day. This includes looking after customers and making sure the business runs smoothly. It can be even more difficult to keep track of tax regulations. However, some tools can help you understand taxes and how to […]

12 Dec by Coffey & Co

Reward Your Employees This Christmas With A Tax-Free Voucher

2022 has been a tough year, and your employees could do with some appreciation and recognition for their hard work. Rewarding them for their performance and accomplishments over the year will motivate them to increase their productivity – which is key since your employees are your company’s most valuable asset. With the holiday season coming […]

3 Nov by Coffey & Co

How To Stay Tax Compliant As A Freelancer

Freelancing is a growing industry not only in Ireland but also around the world. There are people taking a leap into full-time freelancing. Others take it up in addition to their full-time job. If you’re taking up freelancing, it’s important to know that you’ll be expected to submit your income tax returns in October each […]